1) Criteria concerning the attendance and the participation of the students
a) If s/he attends regularly
b) If s/he is punctual
c) If s/he respects the place and what they create in the classroom
d) If s/he follows the teacher’s directions and if s/he respects the wishes of the rest of the class
e) If s/he works seriously and purposely with self discipline and if s/he participates in the process without force and pressure
f) If s/he has the courage to risk in the process and accept the success or failure and take responsibility of his/her actions.
2) Criteria concerning the skills development and understanding of the process:
a) If and how well he knows the rules that govern the process
b) If and at what extent s/he has assimilated the terminology that we use in the Creative Learning process
c) How freely s/he can improvise, sustain a role, mimes, or listens to the other kids
d) To what extent s/he participates actively and s/he is not being distracted, and of what quality work s/he presents while in role.