This method is based on 5 principles:
1) All people have an inborn characteristic: the ability to mime and the ability to play through which people test and learn (because by miming people are experimenting as well).
2) All people learn when they have the motives and when they feel that what they have to learn interests them.
3) All people and especially students learn and understand better in an active environment, full of actions and events. This means that it is not enough to teach by telling or numbering what we want them to learn. It is the experiences itself that will help them learn and experience derives from action.
4) The participants are responsible for their life and the acquirement of knowledge. The teachers become the enablers to their effort to learn, they guide and show possible ways of learning, thinking, operating.
5) Finally, CLear sees the process of learning as a process for change. The emotional and intellectual change leads to maturity and therefore to knowledge.