

Important books and publications about Creative Learning.

  1. Donaldson, Children’s Minds, Fontana/Collins, 1978
  2. Wood, How Children Think and Learn, Blackwell, 1988
  3. Neelands, Learning through Imagined experience, Hodder&Stoughton, 1992
  4. Entwistle, Styles of learning and Teaching, J. Willey & Son, 1981
  5. Frosh, Phychoanalysis and Psychology, Macmillan, 1989
  6. Elkind, Child development and Education, Oxford, 1976
  7. Cullingford, The Nature of Learning, Casell, 1990
  8. Fleming, Starting Drama Teaching, Fulton, 1994
  9. Kempe (ed.), Drama Education and Special needs, Stanley Thornes, 1996
  10. O’ Toole, The process of Drama, Routledge, 1992
  11. Wooland, The teaching of Drama in the Primary School, Longmans, 1993
  12. Nixon, Drama and the Whole Curriculum, London, 1982
  13. Wertsch, Voices of the Mind, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991
  14. Winston & M. Tandy, Beginning Drama 4-11, Fulton, 1998
  15. Neelands, Making Sense of Drama, Heinemann, 1984
  16. Neelands, Structuring Drama Work, Cambridge, 1991

N.Morgan, J. & Saxton, Teaching Drama, Hutchington, 1987

  1. Bolton, New Perspectives on Classroom Drama, Simon & Schuster, 1992
  2. Jackson, (Ed.), Learning through Theatre, Manchester Press, 1993
  3. Redington, Can Theatre Teach?, Pergamon, 1983
  4. Robinson, (Ed), Exploring Theatre and Education, Heinemann,1980

Cecily O’ Neill, Drama Worlds – A framework for Process Drama, Heinemann, 1995

  1. Heathcote & G. Bolton, Drama for Learning
    D. Heathcote’s Mantle of the Expert Approach to Education, Heinemann, 1995
  2. Gardner, The Unschooled Mind-How children Think and How Schools should Teach, London, 1993
  3. Kyriakou, Effective Teaching in Schools, Stanley, 1995

R.F. Biehler & J. Snowman, Psychology applied to Teaching, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986
Braslavsky, C. 2003. The curriculum. Geneva: UNESCO IBE. (Available online).
Brunello, G. and M. Schlotter. 2011. Non cognitive skills and personality traits:
Labour market relevance and their development in education and training systems. I
nstitute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Discussion Paper No. 5743 (May 2011). Bonn: IZA.
CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training). 2011.
Glossary. Quality in education and training. Luxembourg: Publications Officeof the European Union.
Colman, A.M. 2008. A dictionary of psychology. Third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Connelly, F.M., M. F. He and JA Phillion (Eds.) 2008. The Sage handbook of curriculum and instruction. London-Los Angeles: Sage.
Deißinger, T. and S. Hellwig. 2011. Structures and functions of Competency-based
Education and Training (CBET): A comparative perspective. Mannheim, Germany: GIZ.
Delors, J. et al. 1996. Learning: The treasure within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission
on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Paris: UNESCO.
Dewey, J. 1902. The child and the curriculum. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Greaney, V. and T. Kellaghan. 2007. Assessing national achievement levels in education.
National Assessments of Educational Achievement, Volume 1. Washington DC: The World Bank.