Important books and publications about Creative Learning.
- Donaldson, Children’s Minds, Fontana/Collins, 1978
- Wood, How Children Think and Learn, Blackwell, 1988
- Neelands, Learning through Imagined experience, Hodder&Stoughton, 1992
- Entwistle, Styles of learning and Teaching, J. Willey & Son, 1981
- Frosh, Phychoanalysis and Psychology, Macmillan, 1989
- Elkind, Child development and Education, Oxford, 1976
- Cullingford, The Nature of Learning, Casell, 1990
- Fleming, Starting Drama Teaching, Fulton, 1994
- Kempe (ed.), Drama Education and Special needs, Stanley Thornes, 1996
- O’ Toole, The process of Drama, Routledge, 1992
- Wooland, The teaching of Drama in the Primary School, Longmans, 1993
- Nixon, Drama and the Whole Curriculum, London, 1982
- Wertsch, Voices of the Mind, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991
- Winston & M. Tandy, Beginning Drama 4-11, Fulton, 1998
- Neelands, Making Sense of Drama, Heinemann, 1984
- Neelands, Structuring Drama Work, Cambridge, 1991
N.Morgan, J. & Saxton, Teaching Drama, Hutchington, 1987
- Bolton, New Perspectives on Classroom Drama, Simon & Schuster, 1992
- Jackson, (Ed.), Learning through Theatre, Manchester Press, 1993
- Redington, Can Theatre Teach?, Pergamon, 1983
- Robinson, (Ed), Exploring Theatre and Education, Heinemann,1980
Cecily O’ Neill, Drama Worlds – A framework for Process Drama, Heinemann, 1995
- Heathcote & G. Bolton, Drama for Learning
D. Heathcote’s Mantle of the Expert Approach to Education, Heinemann, 1995 - Gardner, The Unschooled Mind-How children Think and How Schools should Teach, London, 1993
- Kyriakou, Effective Teaching in Schools, Stanley, 1995
R.F. Biehler & J. Snowman, Psychology applied to Teaching, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986
Braslavsky, C. 2003. The curriculum. Geneva: UNESCO IBE. (Available online).
Brunello, G. and M. Schlotter. 2011. Non cognitive skills and personality traits:
Labour market relevance and their development in education and training systems. I
nstitute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Discussion Paper No. 5743 (May 2011). Bonn: IZA.
CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training). 2011.
Glossary. Quality in education and training. Luxembourg: Publications Officeof the European Union.
Colman, A.M. 2008. A dictionary of psychology. Third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Connelly, F.M., M. F. He and JA Phillion (Eds.) 2008. The Sage handbook of curriculum and instruction. London-Los Angeles: Sage.
Deißinger, T. and S. Hellwig. 2011. Structures and functions of Competency-based
Education and Training (CBET): A comparative perspective. Mannheim, Germany: GIZ.
Delors, J. et al. 1996. Learning: The treasure within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission
on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Paris: UNESCO.
Dewey, J. 1902. The child and the curriculum. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Greaney, V. and T. Kellaghan. 2007. Assessing national achievement levels in education.
National Assessments of Educational Achievement, Volume 1. Washington DC: The World Bank.