Types of motion

6st Grade Physics (Bulgarian educational system)
Based on lesson “Types of motion”
In The human and the nature school book of 6st Grade page 8


Materials for the lesson

Cards with a description of the type motion written on them.

Different objects and pictures.

Layout of the classroom

There is a desk in front of the blackboard. The different objects end pictures are placed on it. The rest of the desks and the chairs are put aside.

Phase 1

The teacher prepares the necessary “requisite”: different objects and pictures. He/she should make ready a variety of descriptions of different types of motions to be presented by each pair of students. They are written on the cards.

The teacher says:

“Today we will not be quiet and peaceful because we will talk about the types of motion.” You will act them.

The teacher divides the class into pairs. Each pair of students should play a certain type of motion. The other students have to guess what the motion is.

Each pair receives a card with a description of the motion which they have to play.

The students should not use words, only sounds, gestures and mimics. They can also draw on the board. For their performance, each pair can use the objects and pictures in front of the board.

 Phase 2

The game can go like this:
The first pair:
On their card are written the words: sun, earth, curvilinear uniform motion.

The pair can first draw the sun and the earth on the board. Then one student points to himself for the sun. The other will be the earth. One student stands in the middle of the room and the other walks around. The answer to the other students should be: a curvilinear uniform motion. They should also indicate whether the trajectory of motion is visible or invisible.

Phase 3

Another pair of students draws a card.

The words written on it are: a moving car, another one overtaking it. The students can act this type of motion in the following way: the first student moves forward and buzzes like a car. The other student buzzes like a car too and overtakes him.

The answer of the other students should be: for the first student – rectilinear uniform motion and the other one – uniformly accelerated motion. The trajectory of both motions is invisible.

The next pair draws a card. It is written on it: two skiers, slalom, leave traces in the snow.

The correct answer of the students should be: curvilinear accelerated motion whose trajectory is visible.

Phase 4

The teacher announces the end of the game when all pairs make their acts.

The students choose the best performance.