The characters ask: “Which fairy tale are we from?”
2nd Grade – Bulgarian Language Reading (Bulgarian educational system)
Based on lesson „The characters ask: “Which fairy tale are we from?””
In “Bulgarian Language Reading” school book of 2nd Grade page 17
Materials for the class
Layout of the classroomThe desks are arranged in the shape of the letter П / ballroom /. The little table is in the middle of the classroom in front of the blackboard. |
Phase 1The teacher gives a preliminary task. The pupils can choose:– to draw their favourite faire tale character and to write 2 or 3 sentences from it on their drawing;– to copy a moment of their favourite story;– If it is possible, to make a costume of their favourite character with the help of their parents.The pupils receive invitations from the teacher during the break before the lesson.The children are sitting on their desks. The teacher is dressed as a fairy or a magician. He/she tells the pupils that they are invited to participate in the Ball of Fairy Characters.The teacher explains that balls always start with a presentation of the participants. Therefore, each pupil should present themself, but without revealing which character they are or from which tale their drawing or the copy is. The rest of the class will have to guess.They will know if they are right when the each pupil shows his/her name from the invitation. |
Phase 2The teacher invites the pupils who should were to copy an excerpt from their favourite tale to start their performance.One pupil stands in front of the others and reads his/her text. The class should guess which story the excerpt is from. Then the pupil answers a teacher’s question – „Why is it your favourite story? What qualities do you like in this character?”The teacher invites the pupils one by one to present their drawings. The other children in the class again guess who the character on the drawing is. The pupils read the sentences they have written on their pictures and respond to the teacher’s questions.The teacher asks the pupils wearing costumes to present themselves. Once again the rest of the class should guess who the character is. The pupils in the costumes read out several sentences from the tale and respond to the teacher’s questions. |
Phase 3The teacher announces that the performance of fairy tale characters has finished. He/she puts a chest on the small table and pulls out a magical object. Then the pupils have to guess what tale it is from.The teacher may also ask questions such as:What order tale can the magic mirror be from? / “The Beauty and the Beast”/And the apple? /“The three brothers and the golden apple” / |
Phase 4Finally, the ball finishes with dancing and songs from filmed tales. The teacher takes photo during the whole lesson. The game ends with a snapshot or group photo.The pupils help the teacher to put the classroom back to its normal order |