
 3rd Grade- Language  (Italian educational system)


Materials for the lesson

Paper strips, markers, six boxes, poster, glue

Layout of the Classroom

Stage 1-2: Classroom
Stage 3: gym
Stage 4 Classroom

Phase 1

Firstly The Teacher  introduces the argument explaning the minimum sentence and then deepens the argument by inserting, within the sentence, the complement. In order to help children understanding the lesson  you can write down some examples on the blackboard or use the textbook.

Phase 2

Each student receives six white paper strips, two for each different component of the sentence (subject + predicate + complement). The student will have to form two sentences containing the subject, the predicate and the complement. Each child will have to write the parts of the sentence into the different strips of paper using different colors (example red for the subject, green for the predicate, blue for complement). When everyone has completed the task, the teacher collects the strips and puts them into different containers (two for the subject, two for the predicate, two for the expansion).

Phase 3

The teacher brings the children to the gym and explains the game.The students are divided into two groups and form two rows behind two lines (a bit far from each other, side to side). In front of each group there are containers that represent subject, predicate and complement. When everyone is ready, the first child of each row runs towards the containers, selects a strip from the first one, and then tries to find the predicate and the complement  in the other two to create the correct sentence. When the student has identified the three strips, he/she forms the sentence on the floor and goes back to his/her own row. The game ends when all the children of the two queues have composed their sentence.

Phase 4

The teacher and the students return to class, share their thoughts on the experience  and create a poster with the phrases made in phase 2 and used in the game.