1ST Grade HISTORY: chapter 1
The   Sporting   activities   in    my   school   (Greek educational system)





Materials for the lesson

Pictures   of   ancient   Greek   Black-Figure pottery vases   depicting Olympic games.

a  cd player
cd with ancient Greek  music

2 large pieces of brown paper  by the meter
One plastic discus
Three olive wreath


Layout of the classroom

The classroom needs space for action.

Teacher has already asked the students to wear black clothes.

She/he has placed on the board the two large pieces of brown paper.

The pictures of the Black -figure   pottery   vases   have been shared at students.

Phase 1

The   teacher   tells   students   to   watch   the   pictures    very   carefully   and   they   talk   about   the   Olympic   games   they   see   on   them.

The teacher tells them now to focus on the colors of pottery   vases   and   especially   on   the   movements   of   the athletes.

The   students   are   divided   into   pairs   according   to   the   teachers   instruction.

Phase 2

Ancient Greek music begins and the pairs stand in front of the brown paper.

Teacher   asks   students   to   use   the   theatrical   technique “Frozen   picture.” They   stand   still     imitating   the   movements   of   the   athletes depicted on the pottery vases. Students look like the Black-Figures vases thanks to the color of   brown   papers.

Phase 3

The brown papers are taken out to the school yard by   four   students.

The same scene is repeated there. But now when the music starts again slowly  by  slowly,  with  teacher    instructions  ,  the pairs start moving and are  divided into three groups to imitate  the Olympic games.

Discus   throwing,    race   and    wrestling.

At the end of the Olympic games the three winners are crowned with olive wreaths and applauded long and loud.

Phase 4

Students return to the class and they continue the lesson from the chapter.

Students   have   gained   a   good   understanding   on   the   Olympic   games    through    the   play.

They have also expand their knowledges on the technique of black – Figure pottery vases.