Light – Α
5th Grade Physics: Light transmission
Section: Investigate and Discover-Chapter 7 (Greek Educational System)
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Materials for the lessonA long cable with a lamp.Thin string- several meters.Some beads (like a lady’s necklace, or rosary, or beans that we have made a hole in the middle)A piece of aluminum foilThe Teacher’s bell |
Layout of the classroomThe desks at the sides, empty space in the middle.A blackout in the classroom-not total.1st PhaseA short handicraft process.1. We cut the string into pieces (about 2 meters).We tie the one edge with the lampIn each string, we pass some beads / beans and drag them very close to the bulb.We sit in a circle on the floor.In the middle is the teacher with the lamp and he/she makes his lesson on the transmission of light. |
2nd PhaseThe children sit on the floor in a circle. In the middle of this circle is the teacher with the lampThe teacher has tied some strings from the long cable with the lamp and has given it to some children to hold the other end. Previously, with the help of the children, some beans are passed through the string.The Teacher holds the lamp low. The beans, on the cable, are close to the bulb. He/ She turns on the lamp (here it is useful to have some darkness in the room) and we see that children in the circle are illuminated.The teacher explains about the movement of photons and why the children are illuminated on one side only.3d PhaseThe teacher slowly raises the lamp.The result is that the beans / beads leave the top of the cable and slide down to the children who hold the other end of the string.As photons do when they leave (come from) from an artificial source (Lamp) or a natural light source (Sun)4th PhaseThe teacher now, tells the children to gather the strings all together in 2-3 bundles. 3 children keep these bundles and they bring the beans back to the lamp. The 2 or 3 children standing, make a circle around the center, where the teacher is with the lamp, and they pass the bundle of the string in front of the faces of the other children, who are sitting.This explains the movement of the lighthouse.Then, the teacher wraps the lamp with an aluminum foil, leaving a small 4 cm gap uncovered. The light now leaves only from these 4 cm and the circular movement of the teacher in the room illuminates the children sitting exactly as we previously showed with the strings and the beans. |