Electrical appliance come alive

1ST Grade PHYSICS chapter 4, ELECTRICITY IN OUR LIVES (Greek educational system)






Materials for the lesson

Teacher’s  bell


cd with any sounds that teacher likes

Pictures with  electrical appliances

Layout of the classroom

It is recommended to have this lesson in the theater hall or in indoor   gym.

Phase 1

The teacher in class makes a prologue about the electricity and the important role it plays in our lives.

She/he asks the children to mention some of the electrical appliances   of   their   homes   and   asks   them in what way they believe that they make our life easier.

Phase 2

The children go to the theatre hall and sit on the carpet.

Teacher tells them to makes pairs. Each   child   of   each    pair   is   going   to    imitate any   electrical appliances. The other child of each pair will imitate the user of the electrical appliance.

A child from each pair choose a picture   with   electrical appliances and hang it   up   around   its   neck   with   a   yarn.


Phase 3

Each time only two  pairs  will  go  up  to  the  stage  of  the  theatre   to imitate the devices .The other pairs are  sitting  on the carpet. Teacher says that devices work because there is electricity.

Teacher’s bell rings.

The music starts.

Children start to imitate the electrical appliances.  They make sounds or movement of the vacuum    cleaner,   refrigerator,   e. t. c   while users are wiping, watching T.V.    sending    emails  e.c.t.

The   teacher   encourages   children to express their happiness through the expression of their faces.

Action freezes.

Phase 4

Teacher   tells   that electrical appliances are out of order because the electricity was cut off.

Teacher’s bell ring.

Every children that imitates the electrical appliances should   stay   still   and   the   users, with   teacher’s instructions, seem very sad. They can’t cook , watch t.v  e.c.t

Action freezes again.

After the above improvisations children have a deeper knowledge of the value of electricity.

Returning   to   the classroom teacher asks children to propose ways to save energy.