Cause – effect

2nd Grade – History   Fanta Parole 2 (libro delle discipline)
Causa/effetto-page 123  (Italian educational system)


Materials for lesson

 A4 white sheets, colors, stereo

Layout of the classroom

Stage 1-2: classroom

Stage 3: gym

Stage 4: classroom

Phase 1

The teacher explains to the children that during the lesson they will talk about cause and effect. To help them understanding, she will choose some examples from everyday life (I am sick , so  my mother calls  the doctor; I hurt my knee because I stumbled …). She asks students to make up their own examples.

Phase 2

Children are divided into four groups. Two groups will write down examples starting from the cause, the other two instead will  start from the effect.

Students will  draw the situations on a sheet and will explain them with a brief written description. Each group will also have to think about a possible theatrical action to reproduce on a stage previous examples..

Phase 3

Students, along with the teacher, go to the gym. Children keep splitting into Stage 2They split into the previous workgroups. Each group will represent, through a theatrical action, the cause and effect situation identified in the previous stage (eg: effect → Child at the park that fell and hurt his leg). The other children, as the audience, will try with the help of the teacher to propose hypothesis about the possible causes or effects in situations represented. The game ends when all groups played the theatrical action.

Phase 4

Teacher talks about the experience with the children. Each group can draw on a sheet what they did or see in the gym during the game.