Adventure with verb and noun

3nd Grade language chapter 4
The whole world around us (Greek educational system)



Materials for the lesson

–              Teacher’s bell

–              Notebooks

–              Cartoons and markers

Layout of the classroom

Firstly, teacher use the classroom. Then he should use the yard of school.

Phase 1

At the first phase, the lesson takes place in the classroom according to school book. Then the teacher will present the situation in which the students will work together. For this reason everybody will move towards the yard. The teacher wants to teach students the verbs and the nouns. So, it divides the students in 4 groups. Each group should go to a specific area of the school yard (for example in the gym class, in the dining room, in the library, in chemistry lab), where they have to record what they are doing at these places and what objects there are.  The teacher asks from each group to write down the objects – items that they can see in the gym class, in the dining room, in the library, in chemistry lab. Also, they should think about the actions that they make using the above objects-items. The teacher asks students to concentrate in this job and to find as many as they can. At the same time, the teacher helps and encourages the children in the whole process.

Phase 2

Teacher’s bell rings and the first group starts the action. The 1st   group should go in the gym class and observe carefully the objects-items (nouns) that exist there such as balls, wreaths, layers, etc. They must also think what they are doing (verbs) in this room, for example kicking, run, jump, etc. The teacher asks students to keep these images in their minds and write these information on a cartoon. Teacher’s bell rings and the 2nd group starts the action. The 2nd group goes on their Teacher’s bell rings and the first group starts the action.own mission and select their own information on a cartoon. So, the 2nd group goes to the dining room and collect nouns and verbs. Teacher’s bell rings again and the 3rd group starts the action, the 3rd group goes to the library. Teacher’s bell rings and the 4th group starts the action, the 4th group goes to chemistry lab. All students have the same mission should cooperate between them as well as they can and collect nouns and verbs. Teacher’s bell rings again, and the groups should return in the classroom.

Phase 3

In the 3rd phase the teacher introduces the new condition. Each group should use the information which has already collected and they should present to others through mime the verbs and the nouns. Teacher’s bell rings and the 1st group starts the action pretending a basketball game, a running racing, a football game etc. For example, one student stands like a basket and another student throws a ball, someone else runs, or plays with wreaths, or kicks the ball etc.  Teacher’s bell rings again, and action freezes. Teacher’s bell rings again and the 2nd group, through freestyle performance, improvise and interpret in its own way that they are in the dining room and eat, they collect the dishes, they wash the dishes etc. The teacher gives clarification. Teacher’s bell rings and action freezes. In the same way, the next 2 groups take part in theatrical scenario.

Phase 4

In the end, all stand in a circle and present possible questions. Then the teacher asks students to say verbs and nouns that somebody can find at home. Then they should write a simple story using these words (verbs and nouns).