1ST   Grade   History: chapter 1.
Old and current games ( page 106-108 ) (Greek educational system)



Materials for the lesson

A   box
A glue
Cards with pictures of old and current games
Two large pieces of paper by the meter
Some old and current games that teacher has bring in the class.
( whirligig,  doll, puzzle, small chess, skipping-rope, ball,  etc )
A cd with any dance music
A neckerchief

Layout of the classroom

It is recommended to have this lesson in the class for half an hour      and   then   out    at   the   schoolyard   for   the   rest of   the   time.
The   desks   are   placed   on the   sides   in    order   to   have space for action.
Only one desk is placed in the center of the class with the box on it.
Two large pieces of paper have been placed on the left and right wall   of   the   class.

Phase 1

The   teacher   starts   the   lesson  by  showing the old and current games she has brought in the class and  telling that children, all over the world  in the old time up today ,are fond of play, as it cultivates  their body and mind. When   shops    didn’t   exist , and people were deprived of money, children had always found ways to play by invented toys and games.

Under the teacher’s instructions, each   student   takes   from   the box a card and describes the game it is represented.

Then,   students,  stick  with  the  glue,  on  the  large  left paper, cards with old games or toys (hide-and-seek, tag , whirligig  etc ) and on the right left paper, games or  toys of today.(basketball, robots ,video games, etc )

Phase 2

In  this  phase , teacher asks students to name and  divide the old game/ toys of the large left paper in two groups .The games that were played in groups (hide-and-seek, football, chess etc) and the atomic games. (tag, puzzle, doll, etc ) .The same is happening with the large right paper .The teacher asks to refer names of other old/ current games they are not on  the papers and they have heard from their parents.

Phase 3

In   the   third   phase we play ‘’The dance of the toys and games.

.Music  starts and students turn to be there lovely game/toy.  They   hold   an   object,   make  movements  or  sounds,  that characterize the toys/ games and play their  part in a  grade  enthusiasm.

We   all   moving   to   the   schoolyard   where   we   play   the  very   old game, ’’Blind man’s  buff.’’  A student covers his eyes with a neckerchief, and tries to catch another student. If he   catches     someone,   he   must guess who he is   and say his name. If   he    manages    this,   this  student  takes  his place.

Phase 4

  The students return in the class. They   have   cover    their   needs   for   games   and   fun,   they have broaden their knowledges on old and modern games and they have realized that  play meets our needs for action and joy.