The Wolf and the three Families
3st Grade – Grammar – Word Families – Spelling rules (Greek educational system)
Materials for the class A mask of wolf
Layout of the classroomA spacious classroom is required. Alternatively, the gym could be used.Three desks are placed in three different corners of the classroom.All other kind of school furniture and things are moved, to maximize space between the three desks. |
Phase 1The teacher writes on white sticker labels, words that have a common feature or pattern. (One word on one sticker label).For example: 10 words with the “ake” sound and letter combination in common (make, cake, fake etc.), 10 with “ick” (thick, brick etc.) and 10 with “ock” (lock, block, etc).He/ she sticks each of them on a different box/cube on one of the 4 vertical sides. He/she also sticks a blank sticker label on the other two vertical sides of each box/cube. So, finally, there are 3 vertical sides of each box/cube covered with labels: one written and two blank.(Note that the teacher can choose other word families corresponding to the specific goals of the lesson.)The teacher shows a mask of wolf and says that there are three Families, afraid of a big bad Wolf.: The Family Ake, the Family Ick and the Family Ock who try to build a solid house to be safe.The children are divided into three groups as the number of the Families. One child becomes Wolf.Each Family chooses a nice hill (one of the 3 desks) to build a solid house.The teacher puts an A4 paper on each desk with the name of the corresponding family so the children be able to see their name.The teacher puts the boxes or cubes mixed, everywhere on the floor.Then he/she explains the rules of the game:Each house needs 10 special bricks to be built that match with their family name.When the birds sing (sound of CD), the three Families should go out of their hiding place behind the hill (the desk) and look for special bricks (boxes/cubes) in the woodland (the classroom) while the big bad Wolf sleeps in it. When the Families find the special bricks, they should carry them to the hill and put them one on top of the other to build the house.When the wolf howls (sound of CD), the three Families should return quickly to their hiding place behind the hill (the desk).The Wolf visits the houses and blows them down if bricks are less than 10 or they not the right ones. |
Phase 2With bird’s sound, the game starts: The Families search the appropriate boxes/cubes and build their house while the Wolf sleeps in the woodland.With wolf’s howl, the Families go behind the desk and the wolf wakes up, counts the boxes/cubes and throws down the unfinished houses.The procedure may be repeated some times until all Families manage to put the boxes/ cubes with the 10 words of the same word family. |
Phase 3The teacher announces that this time, the big bad Wolf returns stronger after training and drinking fresh fruit juices. So the 3 Families need to make their house more solid.The Family Ake, needs the bricks (words) of the Family Ick, the Family Ick needs the Family Ock’s bricks and the Family Ock needs the Family Ake’s bricks.The birds sing again and the Families go out of their hiding place.The Family Ake goes to the house of Family Ick, read the words on the bricks, comes back and copies these words on the blank labels of its own bricks. The Family Ick visits the house of Family Ock and copies the words of this family on its own bricks and the Family Ock visits the house of Family Ake and copies the Ake’s words on the bricks.The Wolf howls again and he/she checks the houses. He/she destroys the houses with less than 10 bricks written.The game stops when one Family achieves the construction of the house: writes 10 words of a second word Family. |
Phase 4The same procedure may be repeated: The students write the words of the third Family on the bricks. |
Phase 5In the next lesson, students propose new words themselves and the game is played again. A new blank label is stuck on the 4th vertical side of the cubes.The same story could be used to teach derivatives. |