Water as a Solid, Liquid, and Gas

2nd Grade – Physics/Science – Swedish Education System
PULS NO-boken grade 1-3 Grundbok – Page 30 Water



Material for the lesson

Phase 1 and 2. Music player and different songs/music.

Phase 4.
The video may help you


Layout of the classroom

Phase 1,2 and 4. The empty classroom to move freely.

Phase 3 and 5. Normal classroom setting.


Phase 1

The teacher starts music and all students move in the classroom. When the teacher says STOP and says a number, students make a group out of that number. The students continue the activity until the teacher says STOP and 3. The teacher lets the students to make group out of 3 members.


Phase 2

The teacher lets each group to decide 2 members as letter ‘O’ and one member as ‘H’. These three members are stack to each other and they can move together. The students continue to move in the classroom with 2O and 1H. The teacher explains that when the music stops, there will be three words that each group will act in the classroom based on this word.

–       Solid: All groups come together and dance or walk.

–       Liquid: Each group can dance or walk as they wish but the groups are not attaching to each other.

–       Gas: Each group dances or walks separately from other groups and they try to be far from each other.


Phase 3

The teacher asks students some questions to reflect

–       What were these 2O and 1H?

–       Did you hear the Molecules?

–       What does Moles + Coles mean in Greek Language?

Phase 4

The teacher and the students watch a video to explain the state of matter.

This video may help you

Then the teacher divides the class into four groups. Each group improvises the change of water forms. They start from one form and finish the improvisation with another.

Group 1. From Solid to Liquid

Group 2. From Liquid to Solid

Group 3. From Liquid to gas

Group 4. From Gas to Liquid

Tips to the teacher: The improvisation can be short but it can be good to have a story in it. Therefore it can be good to let students to discuss how they change the form.


Phase 5

The teacher asks to the students about examples for these three forms

–       Liquid: juice, soep etc.

–       Solid: Spoon, stone etc.

–       Gas: balloon, etc.