Water Cycle
2nd Grade – Physics/Science – Swedish Education System
PULS NO-boken grade 1-3 Grundbok – Page 28 Water
Material for the lesson
Layout of the classroomPhase 1 and 2. Normal classroom setting.Phase 3, 4 and 5. The empty classroom to move freely. |
Phase 1The teacher brings a glass of water and put on the teacher desk. The teacher asks the students ‘How old is this water?’After the students guess the teacher explains. The water in the glass may have fallen from the sky as rain just last week, but the water itself has been around pretty much as long as the earth has!When the first fish crawled out of the ocean onto the land, the glass of water was part of that ocean. When the Brontosaurus (dinosaur) walked through lakes feeding on plants, the glass of water was part of those lakes. When kings and princesses, knights and squires took a drink from their wells, the glass of water was part of those wells.videoTips to the teacher: The telling the story of the water can be done in a way of storytelling. |
Phase 2The whole class watches the music video, which shows the water cycle with song. This gives some inspirations to the students for the next phase. |
Phase 3The teacher explains to the students that they are going to “act out” or pantomime the water cycle. The teacher lets the students blindly pick a note card. The students begin to act out the word on their card. Without talking to anyone, they are to group themselves with students they think have the same card (they will know this by watching the actions of the rest of the group). When everyone has founda group, the students sit down. The teacher helps the students who do not find their group. |
Phase 4When each group is ready they stand and show the rest of the class their action. The other students guess what their word was. |
Phase 5The whole class watches the same video again. They can dance while they watch the video. |