The Theaters of the World
4th Grade Geography: from Culture to Culture
Section 2- Chapter 5 (Greek Educational System)
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As a continuance to this lesson and the cognitive themes it introduces, the Educator can expand and instead of Important Buildings of civilizations, to give the children to explore and present the theaters according Theater Buildings.
Instead of the monuments of Mexico and the Sphinx in Egypt, it could be the Ancient Greek Theater (Epidaurus), the Roman Theater-Odeon (Herodion), The Elizabethan Theater (England-Globe Theater, the Theater of Central Europe (Italian Stage), the Traditional Japanese Theater Kabuki. Already the book proposes the Opera House of Sidney, Australia.The level of difficulty is not higher from the proposed monuments of other civilizations and in doing so, we achieve an approach to theater.Materials for the LessonImages from the internet. There are numerous.
1st PhaseThe teacher separates the children into 5 groups and gives each group an image from the 5 theaters described below. He/she asks them to describe the characteristics of each.Ancient Greek Theater (Epidaurus) 2nd PhaseThe 5 images are placed on the black-board.