The matching game    

The relation of adjectives and nouns
3rd Grade Grammar


Materials for the lesson

A4 papers,
two boxes or  baskets . One for the NOUNS and the other for the ADJECTIVES.

The teacher’s bell

Layout of the classroom

Empty space.
All the can be pushed back against the walls of the classroom.

Phase 1

Under the direction of their teacher, the students write randomly on different papers nouns and adjectives.

They place them in the different “NOUNS” and “ADJECTIVES” boxes or baskets.
The teacher chooses the ones most suitable for the lesson. The adjectives must be more adjectives than the nouns For example:

Nouns                          Adjectives







Desk e.t.c.













Blooming e.t.c

Phase 2

The children are divided by the teacher in two groups :

Team A  The readers,           That reads and recognizes
and Team B  The Actors,       That play/acts.

Team A sits in the middle in a circle facing outwards.
Team B, divides in two teams again. One is a small group of 5-8 children (according to the size of the class)

The smaller group is the NOUNS and the larger the ADJECTIVES.
The smaller group (The NOUNS) stands in a circle facing inwards, (towards the team A , that reads/recognizes/corrects)  with a distance between them.

The larger group (the ADJECTIVES) runs, takes papers from the ADJECTIVES box, returns back and stands between the NOUNS. (The Readers: read/recognize) are in the center reading/recognizing out-loud the combination of nouns and adjectives and  writing them down or announcing them (whatever is most suitable for the teacher).

The larger Team of adjectives is further away and takes papers from the basket, places them on their chest and runs to be in between two (nouns).

So, by choosing “pretty”, runs and stands next to the “garden”.

Or black-board, wild-dog, e.t.c. there is a lot of fun when it comes to wrong pairs… “aromatic-cat”, blooming-door”, “handsome-desk” e.t.c.….

There, the children of the Team A who are reading/guiding so as the correct an adjective to go to the according noun so the meaning is right can guide the children.

Taking into granted that the adjectives have the same gender, and case with their nouns, the teacher can give alternatives to the reading team so they can correct un-matching pairs.

Phase 3

Teams A and B change roles.

Phase 4

Students go back to their desks and the teacher proceeds to teach the lesson, explaining and combining the creative lesson with the theoretic. Back to the traditional, cognitive way.  What we have gained here is that the children will have a deeper understanding of the lesson as they have experience it first.

For example that the adjectives do not have a plural and have to be always the same gender and case with their noun, the children have “experienced” it, laughed with their mistakes, corrected it e.t.c.