The matching game
The relation of adjectives and nouns
3rd Grade Grammar
Materials for the lessonA4 papers,
Layout of the classroomEmpty space.
Phase 1Under the direction of their teacher, the students write randomly on different papers nouns and adjectives.They place them in the different “NOUNS” and “ADJECTIVES” boxes or baskets.
Phase 2The children are divided by the teacher in two groups :Team A The readers, That reads and recognizes
Phase 3Teams A and B change roles. |
Phase 4Students go back to their desks and the teacher proceeds to teach the lesson, explaining and combining the creative lesson with the theoretic. Back to the traditional, cognitive way. What we have gained here is that the children will have a deeper understanding of the lesson as they have experience it first.For example that the adjectives do not have a plural and have to be always the same gender and case with their noun, the children have “experienced” it, laughed with their mistakes, corrected it e.t.c. |