The Dictionary of Action

1st Grade Language: The Dictionary
Section 1-Chapter 3 (Greek Educational System)

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Let’s make a creative lesson based on the dictionary. For the Greek schedule of classes of the Elementary School it can be adapted for all three first grades and it is very valuable for the Language lesson.  The Dictionary has nouns, adjectives and verbs. The Educator can teach it to 1st, 2nd and 3d Grade, commencing from different parts of speech for each grade. Starting always with the easiest for the 1st Grade and more difficult for the next ones.  

Τhe verbs are the easiest (in understanding) as they involve an action in their meaning.

Materials for the lesson

Almost nothing
(or whatever the teacher need in designing his/her lesson)

Teachers Bell

Layout of the classroom

 The desks are put aside so to have empty space in the middle.

Teachers Preparation

The teacher has knowledge of his/her class level and chooses verbs according to what the children know. Verbs that stimulate action/movement that is known to the children.
He/she chooses actions familiar to the everyday life. Here we just suggest a plan of action that can be altered accordingly for the teachers needs.

1st Phase

 The teachers asks the children to stand up. He gives them numbers (i.e. 1-25).

He/she calls out randomly  some numbers in sequence :

The Dictionary should cover all letters from A to Z, here are random examples.

Letter: T
Teacher: Numbers 8, 12 and 22… touch a desk next to them.
(the students respond).
Number 6 tell us from what letter does the verb touch
Number 6: (from T)
Teacher: Number 4 tell us with what do we touch something. With the ear, the elbow or the hand?
Number 9 write on the blackboard the first letter of Touch.

Letter W:

Teacher: Numbers 1,10,14 and 25 to walk between John, Anna and Constantine.

The procedure continues with other letters.  γράμματα

2nd Phase

 The teacher can and must explore to chapters familiar to the children (that they have been taught in class).