3th Grade – Language – Swedish Education System.
Materials for the classPhase 2: Cards with two words that are synonyms.E.g.Fun, Joke, Crazy.Nice, Beautiful, Great, Pretty.Small, little, miniDouble as many cards as pupils in class so you can continue the exercise for a while.Phase 3. Each student gets paper and pen. |
Layout of the classroomPhase 1 and 3. The normal classroom settings.Phase 2. The empty classroom to move freely.Phase 4. At home. |
Phase 1The teacher asks students the things which are similar. The students tell the things and the teacher writes on the white board. The teacher says to the students that these words will be used at the end of the workshop. |
Phase 2All students stand in a circle. The teacher places all the cards with synonyms in the middle of the class upside down. Then she/he mixes them all together. The students in a mannered fashion, walk up and picks one card. They can not show their card to anyone. They look at their card and leave aside.The teacher says that all students walk inthe classroom without saying anything. Each student should pretend to be the card that they get. If a student gets the card which is written ¨Crazy¨ then the student walk like Crazy. The students try to find their partner which is similar to their card. When they are ready, they stay still. Each student announces their cards. The teacher makes the correction. |
Phase 3Each student gets a paper and pen. They draw a cinnamon ‘synonym’ rolls. They write the words on the rolls that they think it is synonym. They can get help from the words from the white bord. When each student fills some rolls they can share their rolls with the rest of the class. |
Phase 4The teacher asks to the students to bake cinnamon rolls at home and have a discussion with their parents about synonyms. |