Space and the solar system

1st Grade – Physics/Science  (Swedish Education System)
PULS NO-boken grade 1-3 Grundbok – Page 8 Space


Materials for the lesson

Phase 1. Music video:

A round object.

Phase 2. One or two package of Spaghetti. One package of Marshmallow.

Phase 3. Music video:

Layout of the classroom

Phase 1 and 3. The empty classroom to move freely.

Phase 2 and 4. Normal classroom setting.

Phase 1

The students stand in a circle. The teacher places one round object in the middle of the circle. This object is the sun. The teacher starts the music that is about the sun.

All students walk around the sun with music. When the music finishes they watch the same music video.

Phase 2

The teacher asks about the other planets that students have seen in the video. The teacher takes note on the white board and writes all planets.

The teacher divides the class into 4 groups. Each group uses the spaghetti and marshmallow to build a rocket to send space. The group should work together and make a stable rocket.

The teacher says that each group will visit the space, moon and 8 planets.

–       Venus

–       Mars

–       Uranus

–       Jupiter

–       Saturn

–       Mercury

–       Neptune

Phase 3

Each group comes in front of others with their rocket. The teacher countdowns from 10 – 0 and starts the music.

The group dances with music and pretends to travel in the space with their rockets. The teacher finishes the activity with another countdown to land on the earth. Each group improvises their travel.

Phase 4

The teacher asks reflection questions to all students.

–       Where is the world in the solar system?

–       What happens if we come closer to the sun or go away from the sun?

–       How moon and the sun help people?