True Light

6th  Grade Physics:   Light
Chapter 10: Research and Discover (Greek Educational System)

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Materials for the lesson

Papers and pens for writing.

Small magnifying glasses (small, simple ones the children can bring from their home)
Hats (also from their homes)

Cards (¼ of Α4)  where a story is written with small letters (in word text letters number 5 or 6).

The story is about 10-15 sentences long. Each sentence is written in a different card that has a number. All cards are numbered. So, if you put the numbers in order, one can create a story that makes sense. Therefore, we have 8 stacks of numbered cards that say a story with a beginning, middle and an end, if their numbers are in order.

These stacks are kept on the teacher’s desk. So, on the desk are in order a line of cards: the story of group A, next the story of group B, group C etc.
It would be much more interesting if each stack of cards has different stories.

The stories are not random but made up from the themes of chapter “Research and discover-10. The light”

The Teachers Bell.

Layout of the classroom

 Half the desks are from the one side of the classroom and the rest on the other side. In two lines facing each other so they can see each other (not one behind the other).

In between there is  free space so the children of the one team can move freely.

1st Phase

 The teacher divides the children in 8 groups by 3 students each (if the class is 24 children i.e.)

The three children are the “Reader”, the “Storyteller” and the “Messenger”.

All the “Readers” sit next to each other on the left side of desks with some distance between them.

The “Storytellers” on the right side of the classroom again one next to each other.

The “messengers” run from one row to the other taking messages from the “readers” to the “Storytellers”.

The Teacher gives out the magnifying glasses to the “Readers” and the “Storytellers”,that also wear hats. The “Readers” and the Storytellers are old and cannot see very well that’s why they are using the magnifying glasses.

2nd Phase

 The teacher commences the action. The “Messengers” go to his/her desk and get the #1 card with the first sentence of the story/tale written in very small letters (i.e. Once upon a time there was a gentleman from Spain…)

The messengers take the card and take it to the “Reader” of their group to read. He/she uses the magnifying glass to read it. Then recites it to the “Messenger”, that learns it by heart and runs to the “Storyteller” of his/her team. He /she listens carefully and writes it down on a piece of paper with normal letters.

3d Phase

 The “Messenger” when done with writing the 1st sentence of the sentence of the story, runs to take from the teacher e 2nd card of his/her team and the action repeats as before.

All teams do the same. Naturally, how fast the students read, write and transfer action makes the groups advance differently for the synthesis of the story. One goes first another goes last.

4th Phase

In the end the children read their whole story as they have connected it, with the cards from 1-10 or 1-15.

These stories are innovative, made up from the teacher and based upon his/her specific lesson.

This is an extra work for the teacher but he/she will make them once and then have them ready as “tools & materials” for future classes.

Following, were have made an example of one story, dividing it in 12 sentences.

5th Phase

Story “A”

  1. Once upon a time there was a gentleman from Spain.

  2. This man was a very well-known painter His name was Pablo Picasso.

  3. One day, he gathered all his friends and told them: Colors do not exist. There is only Light and Darkness. White and Black.

  4. Everyone laughed and asked him to explain. Then he started saying:

  5. What we call color is the frequency that the photons fall upon our eyes.

  6. The light wave or the photons, when interacting with the particles of another body matter, not only do they change direction but also characteristics.

  7. One of these characteristics is the light frequency that we comprehend as color.

  8. Do you know that the white light is the synthesis of all colors?

  9. When white color falls on red object, all the photons are absorbed except the ones with the frequency of the red color.

  10. The photons reflect from the surface of the object and reach our eyes. Then we see that the object is red.

  11. Then one of the friends asked: And when do we see something and say that it is black.

  12. When it absorbs all the photons and reflects none!

When the students are reading, the teacher can interrupt them and explain the lesson.

The teacher can create stories from many other subjects such as :

A. A walk in Nature-Animals and their eyes. The large mirror of the Lake.
B. Refraction

C. Rainbow

D. Colors

E. our Eye (one could see it as a Building with many halls- pupil, lens, iris, cornea, ciliary body etc) and 2 bright beams that are guided through this building.

F. Optical tricks-animation design.

G. The lenses of our life-Telescopes, microscopes.

The teacher directs his/her class and analyses the lesson themes to the students.