Title:      I think, therefore I exist

1st Grade physics: Psychokinetic Expression

The body speaks-expresses facial expressions in combination with the Fine Arts of the 1st Grade “Faces that speak”(Greek Educational System)


Instructions for the lesson

In extension of the lessons:
1. The body speaks (it is tired, in a hurry, calm, angry, happy)
2. Facial Expressions and based on the expressions “ sad, calm, angry, happy” and
3. Also in combination with the Fine Arts lesson 1st-2nd Grade Elemntary scholl “ Faces that speak” (B3)

Layout of the classroom

 According to the teachers thoughts and needs.





Phase   1

Children are divided into 2 groups.

Group A: the ones that take action
Group B: the observers-spectators


Group A is divided in couples (they will take turns) From the couples, one sits and holds an object ( pencil, textbook, book)
Body Expression:  and uses it as wishes ( writes in the textbook, goes through the pages etc)
Body Language-expression: the other child comes and takes it away.
Facial Expression: The work is interrupted and evokes anger.


The subgroup A, is angry (the teachers bell sounds and the action freezes).
Group B (audience) are called in to put in words the anger of the sub-group A. (do not do this, give it back, it belongs to me etc).
The best are recorded.


Phase 2


Sub-group A is feeling sad.
With the face ( crying, gloominess)
How do express it with the body? The hands on the face, movement to the corner of the classroom hiding-crying etc.
(the teachers bell sounds and the action freezes).

Group B ( the spectators) are called in to put into words the sadness of sub-group A ( he took it away, how will I write/read now, what will I tell my mother/father, it is unfair etc) The best are recorded on paper.

Then Group B are asked to express in words, the expression-movement of the children that “acted” and see sadness in the eyes of their classmates. ( I made him cry, I shouldn’t’t have taken it, I will give it back, I will apologize etc)
The best are recorded

4 children

Phase   3

Sub-group B, gives back the object.
Apologizes.  There are promises that it will not happen again.
Order is established.
Sub-group A is happy (hugging, handshakes, mutual promises).
(the teachers bell sounds and the action freezes).

Group B (observers) are called in to put words of happiness for the re-establishment of order and friendship.
The best are recorded.


George Iakovidis



Phase   4

Groups A & B change Roles and the same is repeated.

The Educator can record the proposals, answers of the children as observers and create dialogues that derive from the children, which then can be used as material for an innovative theater act.

In combination with the Fine Arts Class, the Teacher can:
1. Children will draw the expressions:
Calmness, Anger, Sadness, and Hapiness.
2. Use well know paintings of the Great Masters, with themes of children in various moods. Discuss with the children about the paintings, the feelings , the expressions, the actions of children in the paintings etc.
We suggest paintings by George Iakovides, Nikolaos Gyzis, but also Renoir, Degas)