Be a senator
5th Grade – History – Parliamentarism  (Swedish Educational System)


Materials for the class

– Music Player and CD or mp3, instrumental music for phase 1.
– Flipchart papers with the color Blue, Red, Green, Yellow and markers
– A5 papers with YES or NO sign on it.
– One kitchen paper-roll

Layout of the classroom

Phase 1. the room setting is empty to move freely.

Phase 2. students can use the whole classroom, the chairs and desks for their group.

Phase 3. There should be a stage where group leaders can speak up for their statements.

Phase 1

The teacher and group stand in a circle. The teacher explains to the group that when the music is on everybody can walk in the space acting out one of the instructions (written below) that the teacher gives until it stops the music. When the music stops the teacher gives a number, which shows the amount of people per group. For example, if the teacher says “3” student should come together in groups of 3. These numbers can change each time the music stops. At the end of the activity the teacher gives a number which can equally divide the class into 4 groups. until the end of the activity.
–       Walk on the beach under the sun.
–       Walk like basketball player
–       Walk like a monkey
–       Walk like a ballerina
–       Walk like a 1 year old child
–       Walk like an 85 years old person
–       Walk on the top of the Eiffel Tower against the wind.
–       Walk on the ice in Sweden
–       Walk with your parents
–       Walk with your friend
–       Walk like a politician
–       Walk like a watermelon
–       Walk like Spiderman

In parliamentarism we have different parties and to pass new laws in society you have to present them to the others. In this exercise the parties will present to the judge new laws that they think could be good for all of us.

Phase 2
The class has been divided into 4 groups. Each group sits in different part of the class and gets a colorful flipchart paper (Red, green, blue or yellow). Each group should name their group and write on the top of the flipcharts. Then they need to choose one group in the society; children, animals, fruits, grandparents, parents, politician, friends, superstars, sport people. Phase 1 activity can help to find a group so as a teacher reflect the first part of the activity. Give students time to discuss and decide the name of the group and target group. Then the teacher wants them to decide some statements based on their target group.
For example, the group who would like to choose Animals can come with a statements such as: all animals have a right to walk freely in the world or the forest.
Each group will have time to come up with several statements. The teacher goes around the groups and supports their ideas and helps those who need it. At the end each group writes/draws these statements in their colorful flipcharts and they hang up to class room wall.

Phase 3

When the groups finalize their statements the teacher allows the group to decide a leader to speak in front the others. No debates will take place. It is just a group leader that will present the statements. After all have spoken, each group will choose one statement for their group which is the most  important one.

 When all the groups are ready, the Group leader will walk up to the desks standing on the stage in front of the others. Now, one at a time, they will present why their statement is good for society and how it would help. After each explanation groups can disscus and vote for the statement or against the statement with YES or NO cards.

The teacher can trigger the students mind with the some questions:

–       Is this your group decision or an individual opinion?
–       Why YES or NO?
–       Do you have other suggestions.
At the end the statements those that passed through the voting will publish on the white board.

Tips to the teacher: The teacher can lead the discussion in a role different than the “teacher” and more like a  “panel host” or “presenter”. In that case it would be good to have a certain, symbol, clothes or make up to emphasize the role that she or he is in. This can help the students to focus on the activity.

Phase 4

Organize the desks and chairs back to the order they usually are. And reflect on todays workshop especially on;

The represented colors for each group as nowadays politics.

The division of the groups and the statements.

How todays countries in EU decide on different statements.

Phase 5

The teacher lastly brings a
kitchen paper-roll and ask students to get as much kitchen papers pieces as they want. Some of them will get one or nothing and some of them will get maybe 5 piece of kitchen paper-roll. Every kitchen paper represents one sentence to use in order to express themselves.

Finally, the teacher asks the students to express themselves how they feel or what they think about todays workshop. They have the right to as many sentences to use in order to express themselves as based on the number of the kitchen paper-roll pieces.