5th Grade – Science (Italian educational system)
Materials for lessonA4 Sheet, big towel, circle, stereo e music |
Layout of the classroomStage 1-2: classroom, desks divided in groupsStage 3: gymStage 4: classroom |
Phase 1Teacher explains to the children that during the lesson they will talk about the cell. A theoretical introduction is also made using of pictures or videos in order to facilitate understanding. It focuses on the various parts of the cell and its features. |
Phase 2Students are divided into working groups. Each group will need to deepen one of the parts of the cell researching information on the textbook or other sources. The information found is transcribed on a sheet and learned by the group . The components of each single group should divide brief parts of the explanation so that it can be memorized in sequence (eg, the central control cell of the cell / directs its life / allows it to be reproduced). |
Phase 3Teacher accompanies the children to the gym and invites them to join the partners of the workgroups formed in second phase . In a corner of the gym the towel / parachute is arranged. After a brief review of the learned parts, the game may start. All the children move into space with background music, the teacher at one point begins a brief narration: “All living beings are made up of infinity of small cells. Cells are considered bones of living beings because they form plant and animal organisms. The organisms formed by one cell are called unicellular, those formed by multiple cells, multicellular. The cell is composed by different parts: the cell membrane “at this point the music stops and so the children. The group that worked on the cell membrane explains what that is through the memorized parts , takes the towel / parachute and places it in the center of the gym. The teacher continues the narration by naming the various parts and the sequence of actions repeats. The children of the named party group give the explanation and position themselves inside / below the diaphragm canvas. The game ends when all the cell components are in place. |
Phase 4In class, the teacher confronts students with the activity they are doing. you can make draw on a poster the different parts of the cell and their explanations. |