Electromagnetism – The “Whirling Particles”

5th Grade Science (Greek educational system)


Materials for the lesson

Teacher has prepared headbands in the number of the students which have a + or a – on a label which should be placed in the center. All labels are covered.

A CD player and music.

A chair and a table at the corner for the teacher-‘judge’


Layout of classroom

Desks are moved to the side. Chairs form a semi-circle. Each student picks and wears a headband without being able to see neither his/her own label nor the others’.

Students are explained that the aim of this game is to form ‘successful couples’, which are represented by a +/- combination.

1st Phase

Students are asked to dance alone within the semi-circle. When the music stops by the teacher they have to form ‘couples’ at once!

Couples appear separately before the teacher-‘judge’ at the corner. They are asked to reveal their labels. Couples with +/- labels win and stay on the side. No student gets to see his/her label. ‘Unsuccessful’ couples continue.

2nd Phase

Second round of dancing begins. ‘Whirling particles’ move while the teacher plays the music. When the music stops, students form couples. The same process as above with the teacher-’judge’ continues.

3rd Phase

After two or three rounds students finally sit back in the semi-circle, unveil their labels and see why they formed or couldn’t form a ‘successful’ couple.

Key words/phrases: ‘Opposites attract’, magnetism and electromagnetism, magnets, poles, earth as a magnet, particles and their role in electromagnetism