Alphabet. Alphabetical order
2nd Grade Bulgarian language (Bulgarian educational system)
Based on lesson ” Alphabet. Alphabetical order”
In “Bulgarian Language” school book of 2nd Grade page 62
Materials for the class
Layout of the classroomThe classroom should be empty. All desks and chairs are put aside. The ropes have to be stretched on the long walls of the classroom. /like a clothesline / |
Phase 1The two big hoops are in front of the class board. The letters of Bulgarian alphabet are in the hoop. They are mixed. There is a basin next to the hoop. The clothes pegs are equally divided in the basinsThe teacher explains the rules of the Alphabet game.The game has two parts:Part 1: Put in order the alphabet!Part 2: Put in the reverse order the alphabet!The class is divided in two equal teams.Both teams have to order the alphabet on the clothesline in the correct and in the reverse way. Each letter has to be put and held by a clothes peg.The team, who orders the letters the fastest and in the correct way, wins the first part of the game. |
Phase 2The pupils are in two columns and behind each other.The teacher gives start of the game.Each pupil goes to the hula hoop with the letters. He/she finds the needed letter and puts it up on the clothesline next to the other letter there. The pupils from each team are rotating until no more letters are left. |
Phase 3The pupils help the teacher to bring the letters back in the hula hoops and the clothes pegs in the basins. The teacher mixes them up.The pupils make again two columns.The second part of the games goes exactly the same way as the first part. /the kids must order the alphabet in the reverse way/. |
Phase 4The teacher announces the results.Each team gets 1 point for a correctly ordered letter /in total 30 points/. If a letter is mistaken, the team doesn’t get the point for her.The team with the most points is the winner.The winners are shouting out loud ‘YEAAAAAAAAAAH’ |