A debate over icons

5th Grade – History –Unit E – Chapter 24 The crisis of iconoclasm divides Byzantine Empire (p. 73-74)
(Greek educational system)


Materials for the lesson

A religious icon  (original or printed).
2 small boxes
Red color markers
Pieces of dark color textile or a black large cloth (carnival material)
A brush
A crown
A sword

Layout of the classroom

Desks are moved by the walls. Chairs form a circle.

Phase 1

The teacher creates  cards with the most important facts during Byzantine Iconoclasm in big titles,  as well as the causes, effects and  protagonists   and put them in 2 boxes. Each card contains   one title. The number and the content of the cards in both boxes  is the same.

Students are seated in a big circle.

The teacher hangs 2 ropes, parallel, having a certain distance between them that cross the circle of children and cut it in 2 semi-circles. One rope belongs to one semi-circle, the other rope is for second semi-circle.

The teacher  fixes with a clip a religious icon on one rope. The students in the semi-circle who can see the holy figures of the image, are the Iconolaters.  That means they love icons and venerate them.

The students of the other semi-circle who can only see the back of the icon, are called the Iconoclasts. That means they want to destroy icons.

 Phase 2

Each group (Iconolaters and Iconoclasts) is given a box with the cards. Students pull out of  it    randomly a card.

With teacher’s signal the students of each group, after reading the short  information (big title) of the card, they run and fixe the card with a clip on the rope that is closer to them and belongs to their group. They put the cards in order depending on the dates written on the cards. They collaborate and interact with the  members of the same group trying to  put the cards in right place.

With teacher’s signal, the groups stop working and  each group alternatively

reads the cards. If they are differences, they discuss between them.  The group who placed all cards or most of them in right order is the winner.

Phase 3

With teacher’s signal the students of each group, using red color markers paint the iconoclasm period and count the years it lasted.

Teacher provides more information and explanations depending on students questions.

Phase 4

Iconolaters read an historical source containing arguments in favor of icons’ worship.

Iconoclasts read an historical source with arguments against icons’ worship.

Iconolaters are divided in priests and painters. Priests wear a large black color cloth or  put on a dark color textile on the shoulders. Painters hold a brush.

Iconoclasts are in role of Byzantine   Emperor and Soldiers of East borders. The Emperors put on a crown, while the soldiers hold a sword.

Phase 5

With teacher’s signal, in turn, Iconolaters in role of Priest  or Painter  and Iconoclasts in role of Emperor or Soldier of East borders  present  one argument each one, express their  opinion and   feelings.

During the debate, if one speaker    convinces with his/her argument a member of the opposite group, this member moves towards the semi-circle of the speaker.  In that way, as long as the debate lasts, there is a silent movement from one semi-circle to the other. The members who change opinion should explain the reason.

With teacher’s bell the debate ends up.

Phase 5

Students in circle reflect on what they did, what they learned and how.