Calories and how to burn them  

4th Grade Math: Add and Subtract
1st Period-Chapter 8 (Greek Educational System)

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Materials for the lesson

Brown paper bags for vegetables.
Some Scissors (maybe a stapler).
Post-it (stickers) a bit large.

Teachers Bell.

Layout of the classroom

Empty space in the middle for movement.

1st Phase

The teacher divides the children in 2 groups:
Food and Athletic activities.

Combining food we add calories.

Combining Food and Athletic activities we subtract calories.

But first the preparation:

Artistic activity:
The children will create masks from the paper-bags and decorate them with colors.
1. We cut the bag from its width side so as when the children wear them to cover only until their eyes and nose and have their mouth free (use a stapler too if needed).
2. Color and decorate the mask freely (eyes, nose etc.).
On the forehead we write the number of Calories of the Food (the Teacher will give them randomly on a sticker).

3. Over the Calorie number we place a sticker with a food name.

(see the table at the end of the Creative Lesson)

2nd Phase

The Teacher leaves out 5 children from the game and the movement. These 5 children will Add & Subtract Then, small groups of 5 students one after the other (maybe less or more according to the class and the teachers decision), will sit and make the combinations in order to practice on Addition and Subtraction.

3rd Phase

 The “Food” and the “Athletic Activities” wear their masks with the sticker on the forehead and enter the movement in space.

The children that are sitting and are making the exercise (add-subtract) choose 2 Food-children.
Yogurt with banana 265 (calories)
Toast with ham 246 (calories)

The 2 food-names, stand next to each other saying:
If you eat yogurt with banana PLUS/AND a toast with ham, how much energy will you get?
They lift the sticker on their forehead and reveal the numbers 265+246.

The student-calculator finds it and says =511 calories. If it is right, runs and writes on the black-board  265+246=511  (addition)

Now the teacher says:
If you eat a yogurt with banana and a toast with ham and gain 511 calories, what athletic activity should you engage to burn these calories?
The student-calculator chooses i.e. skiing in the snow.
The student “skiing in the snow”, stands next to the other 2 and reveals its number 640 (=the calories you burn with one hour of snow skiing).
Now the children-calculators must subtract
640-511=129 (subtraction)

The action continues, students switch roles and go on to calculate, add and subtract.

Food Combinations
Toast with egg  230 (calories)
Milk and croissant   470 (calories)
Cereal with milk  380 (calories)
Carbonara 720 (calories)
Pork chop with salad  270 (calories)
Yogurt with banana  265 (calories)
A bowl of fruit-salad   100 (calories)
Toast with ham    246 (calories)
Toast with ham & cheese   360 (calories)
Toast, club ham-cheese-meat   576 (calories)
Toast with chicken    227 (calories)
Toast with burger    400 (calories)
Toast with pork meat  396 (calories)

Athletic Activities
Swimming     359 (calories)
Walking       282 (calories)
Bicycling   270 (calories)
Snow Skiing    640   (calories)
Football   720   (calories)
Climbing  560 (calories)
Hip scotch    502  (calories)
Bowling   144    (calories)
Basket Ball  488     (calories)
Dancing   251    (calories)