Letters and News from abroad

1st  Grade Language: Boats or Uncle Paul’s far away travels
Chapter 7- (Greek Educational System)
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Materials for the lesson

 Α4 papers
pencils, colors, writing an drawing materials

Teachers Bell

Layout of the classroom

The desks are put aside

The teacher asks the children to name after a city or an island their desk. It can be a place they know, go to vacation or a relative has travelled to.  Maybe the children can prepare before by asking their parents about such a place.

1st Phase

The children draw Far-away Themes ( the themes of Chapter 7 is the travels of Uncle Paul in exotic places, animals he describes and the strange gifts he brings). Animals of the jungle, Boats of all kinds, strange gifts. When they all finish, they put all their drawings in a big cardboard box that will serve as Uncle Paul’s trunk of surprises brought from Africa.

Phase 2

 The Teacher chooses 5 children randomly and tells them the secret: Uncle Paul is coming from the jungle and is bringing a trunk full of gifts. Cards with pictures from all the children he met along his travels. He wants to meet all the children of the class and hear their news and give them gifts.  This news has to be shared with all the children in class. The 5, write a letter to addressed to another student saying:
Uncle Paul is arriving. He wants all here to welcome him. He has gifts. Spread the news to all.
The children that receive the letter have to write it again and send it to other children and so on and so forth until all children have a letter.
The answer: All the children write a letter to answer to their classmates that send the first letter. The letters should say about the following: I arrive at once. I will be there on time. Thank you for the information. See you in a while.

3d Phase

Uncle Paul arrives carrying the trunk with all the gifts and calls the children to gather in the centre of the class. Uncle Paul can be a student we would suggest that is should be the teacher (wearing a safari hat or something) so as to direct the game were he/she wants.

4th Phase

The children leave their desks and following various paths reach the centre of the class to meet with uncle Paul. Naturally they use many means of transportation. If they are coming from an island , they come by boat. If they are coming from the mainland, they use trains, cars, bicycles etc             TRAFFIC CHAOS in the classroom!!! LOTS OF SOUNDS MADE BY THE CHILDREN FOR ALL THE ABOVE TRANSPORTATION MEANS.                                                   Teachers bell sounds, meaning we have reached our destination.

5th Phase

 The children greet uncle Paul. He salutes them and opening the cardboard box, gives them the gifts he has brought, that are no other than the drawings the students made.                                                                  The lesson can conclude with stories from uncle Paul’s travels. There are stories in the Greek chapter such as Petrocaravo… or any other he/she wishes.