
1st Grade – Language (Italian educational system)


Materials for the class

Sheets with printed words, scissors, pencils, box, blackboard, chalk.

Layout of the classroom

Phase 1: the activity will be performed in the classroom.

Phase 2-3-4: you should create a free space (without desks) inside the classroom.

Phase 1

The teacher explains what the alphabet is and shows that every word is made up by letters in a precise order.

Using words printed on A3-A4 sheets, the teacher that words can be divided into letters.

Phase 2

that she/he has to crop and divide into letters. She/he will draw the letters on A5 cardboards. The teacher will then recollect all the letters in the box.

Phase 3

The teacher divides the children into two groups. She/he writes one of the words used previously on the blackboard and the children have to re-write them using the letters of the box. When she/he says “go” one child from a group and one from the other try together to reproduce the given word.

The activity is repeated till the words finish. Then the teacher check that every word is written in the correct way.

Phase 4

The teacher asks the children to repeat the letters of the words and then the all alphabet. The realized words can be hanged in the classroom.