Title:                     one, two, three
                               lets count you and me

1st Grade Math
Chapter 5 and 6
Reading and writing of the numbers (Greek Educational system)

Go to the lesson

 a boy

Materials for the lesson

A4 papers
pieces of string
pencils in various colors

Layout of the classroom

The desks formed in a circle so the children that will be sitting to face the centre of a large circle.

1st Phase

The children draw on  A4 papers the numbers 1 to 10 and hang them on their chest or on their back.

They divide in two groups. The “observers” and the “players”. The players go in the middle of the circle. The  “observers” sit at the desks around the action area that is like an arena.










Phase  2

The “players” move up and down to shuffle the numbers upon them. The teacher’s bell sounds and everyone freezes.
The teacher assigns to one or more children to find the “one” and place it on the far left end of the arena. Then someone else to find the “2”. Then the “4” and to place it but now there has to be a space  between “2” and “4”, in order for the “3” to have space to fit in between. The teacher asks someone to find number “7”. The same goes on until all the continuity of the numbers 1-10 is configured.

The teacher’s bell sounds again, the alignment is dissolved and starts moving up and down.

Phase  3

The two groups change roles and repeat the same process with the team of the “observers” to be in the middle playing while the ex-players are now “observers”

The lesson can end with a poem that can be recited in a continual recitative (each child says a verse) that can be as follows:

I am the one
two is my name
my name is three
four is in the game

Five is always here
and the six beside, near

I am the brave Seven
Don’t forget the eight, never

Here is the high nine
and the ten bright and shine

Don’t stop, the song is singing
Together all, from the beginning





(The Greek version can be)

Είμαι το ένα και εγώ είμαι  το δύο
Είμαι το τρία και το τέσσερα εγώ
πέντε με λέν’ εμένα και εμένα έξι
είμαι το επτά εγώ και εγώ είμαι το οκτώ

Το εννιά έρχεται μετά
και το δέκα ακολουθεί
Και πιάστε ξανά το μέτρημα
πάλι απ΄ την αρχή