Numerals Adjectives
4rt Grade- (Italian educational system)
Materials for the lessonStereo and music, workbook, |
Layout of the ClassroomStage 1-2: classroom with desks divided into groups
Phase 1The teacher introduces the subject of the lesson which will be centered around numeral adjectives. At the beginning he/she explains the general definition and then he/she will distinguish them in cardinal and ordinal . The teacher will start a debate on whether they have ever heard of them in particular situations of their lives. |
Phase 2The teacher divides the children into groups and each one them has to write down a few sentences in which numeral or cardinal adjectives are used (the sentence must either have one or the other). At the end of the task, the teacher collects the sheets of paper. |
Phase 3The teacher brings the children to the gym. They are involved in motion activities where numeral adjectives are used, divided into cardinal and ordinal. In the first game the children form a circle . The teacher communicates the number of children who must enter the circle(e.g. three children), the students must enter the circle in the required number without agreeing verbally. If the number of children is higher than the one required, someone should return to the circle or otherwise add a few people if the number is lower. The game may take a while. In the second game children move freely in space with a musical background. When the music stops all the children must stay still and the teacher reads one of the sentences previously written asking if the adjective is cardinal or ordinal. The students who think it is cardinal stand up, whereas those who think it is ordinal sit down. Eventually the teacher communicates the correct answer. The game ends when all the sentences have been read. |
Phase 4They all go back to class and share their thoughts on the experience. The sentences will be used to create a poster with the different adjectives. |