Synonymous and Contraries
2nd Grade – Language (Italian educational system)
Materials for the lessonA3paper sheets, markers, colorful posters |
Layout of the ClassroomStage 1-2: classroom, desks arranged to form small groups
Phase 1The teacher introduces the argument by explaining that in their language there are words that may have similar meanings , and others may bear the opposite meanings. Writing some examples on the blackboard may help children understanding the subject. |
Phase 2Firstly students are divided into small groups. Each group will be given an A3 sheet and assigned four words to which they have find at least three synonyms and contraries. Each group will write down, with the markers, on the sheet A3 the words assigned and their synonyms and opposites. The handwriting should be as neat and comprehensible as possible. When each group completes the task, the teacher collects the sheets and shares them with the whole class. |
Phase 3After sharing the work in phase 2, you can use the words assigned to the different groups to involve children in the wireless phone game. The teacher brings the students in the hallway and invites them to settle in a line. The first child in the row will start the game by finding the synonym or the contrary of the word his/her teacher told him/her. For example, the teacher says, “Contrary of beautiful,” the first in the row must whisper in the neighbor’s ear the word ‘ugly’. The word is whispered by every child to their neighbors, until it reaches the last child in the row who will have to utter the word out loud. In the end, the result of the game will revealed . The child who ‘started’ the game goes towards the end of the queue. The game ends when everyone has identified a synonym or a contrary. |
Phase 4The teacher brings the children back to class and together they share their thoughts on the experience. the sheets collected in second phase can be used to create a poster. |