
         3rd Grade Language (English): How is the weather?
Chapter 9 – Page: 124 (Turkish Educational System)

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Materials for the lesson

Weather flash cards on which the pictures of sun, rain, cloud, fog and snowflakes. A big map of Turkey on which the cities are marked.

Layout of the classroom

An empty space for the students to make a circle.

Phase 1

The teacher explains the activity. The students make a circle on the floor and the teacher is in the middle of the circle and shows a flash card (e.g. sun). Then the teacher mimes or acts the sunny weather either acting as if s/he is sweating or shows a smiling face. And then keeps saying’ ’It’s sunny! It’s sunny! It’s sunny!’’ And she asks the students to repeat what s/he is doing. All of them repeats the same thing by saying’ ‘It’s sunny!, It’s sunny!, It’s sunny!’’ And the same thing goes on with the other flash cards. When it is finished this time the teacher in the circle shows the flash card again but this time asks one student to come in the middle and acts the weather flash card. While the quickest student comes and acting the weather flash card the teacher asks the other students in the circle ‘’How is the weather?’’ The students answers ‘’It’s sunny or It’s cloudy, according to the flash card and miming etc.’’ The activity goes on until all the students learn the weather vocabulary.

Phase 2

At this phase the teacher is in the circle and shows the flash card again but this time asks one student to come in the middle and acts the weather flash card. While the quickest student comes and acting the weather flash card, the teacher asks the other students in the circle ‘’How is the weather?’’ The students answers ‘’It’s sunny or It’s cloudy, etc.’’ The activity goes on until all the students learn the weather vocabulary.

Dialogue Example

–        Teacher: How is the weather?

–        Students: It’s rainy

Phase 3

The second part of the activity is that each student picks a weather flash card and goes to the map and stands on a city on the map showing his or her flash card. And asks ‘’How is the weather in Ankara?’’ The other students answer such as ‘’It’s windy, cloudy according to the flash card. The activity goes on until each student takes his or her part.

Phase 4

This phase is optional but a good one.

Each student picks a weather flash card and goes to the map and stands on a city on the map showing his or her flash card. She or he asks ‘’How is the weather in Ankara?’’ The other students answer such as ‘’It’s windy, cloudy according to the flash card. The activity goes on until each student takes his or her part.


Dialogue Example

–        Student on the map: How is the weather in Istanbul?

–        The students in the circle: It’s cloudy.