2nd Grade – Math (Italian educational system)
Book: Fanta Parole 2 (libro delle discipline) Le classificazioni Page 86
Materials for lessonA3 photocopies to colour, circles, boxes , stereo, white poster, glue, scissors, colours |
Layout of the ClassroomPhase 1-2: classroomPhase 3: gymPhase 4: classroom |
Phase 1The teacher introduces the subject, starting a debate with the students about the experience of their daily life. With the use of some items such as a toys, he/she asks children to make other examples of items that can be inserted into the toy category and so on for other categories. The information gathered during the discussion is written on the blackboard. |
Phase 2The teacher distributes to each child a photocopy with objects of the same category (e.g. flowers, means of transport, sweets, furniture, toys …). Each child color and trim the images of the sheet that was delivered to him. When all the children are over, the The teacher collects the images in a container. |
Phase 3Students are accompanied to the gym. The The teacher prepares the material for the game by placing as many circles as possible on the floor, each for every colored categories in the photocopies. Each circle must be marked with the name of the category. When the music begins, the children will have to pick up the pictures from the container and put them in the circle of the corresponding category. The The teacher keeps time of how long it takes to place all the images. It is possible to repeat the game to try to improve the time. |
Phase 4The teacher accompanies the children to the classroom where he/she resumes the experience they just lived in the gym and invites the children to create a poster with the sets of the categories used for the game. In each set, the images of the printouts previously used will be glued together. |