Cultural journey in Europe
6th Grade Geography:
Chapter 31. Historic sights, Monuments (Greek educational system)
Materials for the lessonCommon accessories of a tourist:A backpack, a hat, sun glasses, a selfies stick, a tourist guide, a photographic camera.Printed photos of historic European sights, monuments, works of art, cultural eventsPrinted information of these European sights / monuments, works of art, cultural eventsFlags of European countries
Layout of the classroomDuring the Phase 1, the students may be seated as per usual.For Phase 2, desks and chairs are placed in such a way, to make students work in small groups of 4, with ease. |
Phase 1The teacher is in a role of a tourist and tries to show to the students using questions the importance and cultural value of historic sights, monuments, figures, events, works of art, music etc. as well as the contribution, of all of them, to the development of the European civilization.The teacher choses 4-5 European countries, on which the students will be later, be divided into groups. For example: Italy, France, Germany, England, GreeceThe teacher may have a backpack at his/her back, a photographic camera hanging from the neck, sunglasses, a hat and also, in one hand, a selfies stick and in the other, a tourist guide.The backpack can contain:Printed photos of historic sights and monuments, works of art, cultural events of the chosen countries that have been assigned to the groups.Printed information of these European sights / monuments, works of art, cultural eventsFlags of these European countriesSouvenirs, books, typical products of these countries like French cheese, German sausages, spaghetti… or printed photos of themCDs of different kind of music. For example, classic, opera, pop, rock, folk music____________________________________________The teacher walks into the classroom looking and acting like a tourist. In a foreign accent, the ‘tourist’ asks for information about sights that are worth visiting in Greece.For example: What should I visit in your city?The students may propose different monuments. The ‘tourist’ asks for more details. For example:Could you please tell me what is the so called “Parthenon” / “Caryatids”?What people used to do there, what was its purpose?Why do people all over the world admire this monument?The ‘tourist’ thanks the students and before leaving, checks the messages on the mobile, and stressed asks for a favor. |
Phase 2The ‘tourist’ says that has already been to 5 European countries. ‘Tourist’s’ employer has suddenly demanded an article on which the ‘tourist’ will describe the journey and the impressions these countries left on him/her.The ‘tourist’ pulls out of the backpack flags of these five countries and distributes them to the students. The students who choose the same flag make a group. So there is a German, an English, a Greek, an Italian and a French group.The ‘tourist’ gives a blank map of the chosen country to each group. He/she also empties his/her backpack on all of the group’s desks: All photos, things, cds, souvenirs, notes are mixed up and have to be shorted by country.The groups try to identify things, pictures, products, match information and monuments, events …There is interaction between all members of groups. Children exchange pictures, things so to obtain everything that belongs to the country that they work for. For example: They use the Cd player or the laptop to listen and identify from which country come the music and songs. Opera from Italy, Classic music from Germany, Folk music from Greece etc.. |
Phase 3Every group uses the material that has been collected for the country it represents and creates a cultural map. For example: The students may place the photos on the blank map, draw and paint the products, texts, flag.The ‘tourist’ guides and helps groups when needed.VariationIf there is access to internet, the students look for more information or material. |
Phase 4Every group writes a small summary of their journey, expressing their personal experiences in it. For example: The students describe what they have seen, where they have been, whether they liked it and why they liked it etc. |
Phase 5-EvaluationEvery group presents its work: cultural map and summary.The groups comment on the other’s group works, ask questions.Finally, they discuss about what have they learnt, if they liked it and what kind of problems they faced. |